Ha-Sad-Lam     ح ص ل
To be produced/extracted/taken forth/fetched out, to come out, to be over and above, manifest/appear, come into being or existence, to be realised, make present, come to light, obtain, remain, happen, be bared, come and brought forth, to be made known, come to pass, prepared/ready, binding/obligatory/incumbent, to remain and continue when the rest had gone or passed away, separate/discriminate/distinguish what remained and continued when the rest had gone or passed away, reduce a thing to its essential import or sum and substance.
  Kur'an'da bu kökten türetilmiş kelimeler toplamda 1 kez geçiyor.

1 kez   حُصِّلَ
Kökten (حُصِّلَ) türemiş Kelimeler ve Kur'anda geçtiği ayetler

 100:10  وَحُصِّلَ    ve HuSSile    ve devşirildiği zaman  
Fiil   Tef’il Kalıbı   Edilgen   3. şahıs, Eril, Tekil   Geçmiş Zaman   

Âdiyât  Suresi 10. Ayet
وَحُصِّلَ مَا فِي الصُّدُورِ (10)

10. Ve kalplerde gizlenenler ortaya konduğu zaman,